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Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia Lokasi Jakarta

PT Vale Indonesia Tbk (PT Vale) merupakan perusahan tambang dan pengolahan nikel terintegrasi yang beroperasi di Blok Sorowako, Kabupaten Luwu Timur, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. PT Vale merupakan bagian dari Vale, perusahaan multitambang asal Brasil yang beroperasi di 30 negara dengan total pekerja dan kontraktor di seluruh unit bisnisnya mencapai 110.000 orang. PT Vale menambang nikel laterit untuk menghasilkan produk akhir berupa nikel dalam matte. Volume produksi nikel PT Vale rata-rata mencapai 75.000 metrik ton per tahunnya. Dalam memproduksi nikelnya di Blok Sorowako, PT Vale menggunakan teknologi pirometalurgi atau teknik smelting (meleburkan bijih nikel laterit).

Saat ini PT Vale Indonesia Tbk kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir bersama PT Vale Indonesia Tbk dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

diposting pada 4 APRIL 2022

Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Eksplorasi Indonesia

1. Process and Infrastructure Engineering Manager


  1. Effectively develop desktop (FEL1) and conceptual (FEL2) studies arising from Base Metals Operations, JV partners and from internal project generation recognizing that FEL1 studies are completed by various areas in the business or in-house.

  2. Effectively develop the process and infrastructure related (mineral processing, technical evaluation of conditions and operational parameters of mine and beneficiation plants, safety plan and stability of dams, tailings disposal optioneering, development of infrastructure requirements, among others) aspects of the FEL1 and FEL2 studies.

  3. Effectively hand-over studies to the FEL3 team for execution of feasibility studies.

  4. Responsible to provide audit and advisory services for Field Studies, Drilling Operations Planning and support to regional Vale Base Metal’s FEL1 and FEL2 teams where required.

  5. Expected to deliver on improved R&D and capital delivery approach including JV, partnerships, alternative project models etc.

Persyaratan  :

  1. Bachelor’s degree in bachelor’s degree in Technical, Environmental, Mining, or any relevant field.

  2. Minimum 15 years of relevant experience in Mining/oil & gas industry; in coordinating and managing a mining project.

  3. Have Project Management Professional (PMP) License.

  4. Good at leading diverse multicultural groups in an international environment.

  5. Well skilled in negotiation, communication and consultation with senior leaders, government officials and regional communities.

  6. Structured and organized in handling multiple data sources: collating and simplifying the information into a consistent manner for ease of understanding by others.

  7. Well versed in operations management, risk management, health and safety, environment, permitting, procurement, project management, administration, community relations, government relations and governance.

  8. Proven ability to work effectively in a team environment, effective communicator, and strong organizational skills.

2. Principal Geometallurgist


  1. Develop/oversee a geometallurgy programs with geologists, mineralogists, metallurgists and technologists for FEL1 and FEL2 base metal projects, always considering detailed scope of work, scheduling and budget requirements.

  2. Supervise/conduct metallurgical testing according to the existing standard operational flowsheet/conditions.

  3. Work together with Mine and Process Engineers for metallurgical and flowsheet evaluation. Design new flowsheets as well as improve existing ones.

  4. Determine metallurgical risks (impurities, poor recovery or low concentrate grades) and develop mitigating measures.

  5. Comply with Vale’s Management Model, known as VPS (Vale Production System) and on Vale’s normative documents for Projects Developments and Deliverables, organized at the Engineering Standardization System (SPE)

  6. Communicates regularly with the Project team on strategies to ensure that goals and priorities are clearly understood, and project requirements are achieved.

Persyaratan  :

  1. Bachelor (or equivalent) in Geology or Mine Engineering.

  2. Master or Ph.D. in Geometallurgy, or Mineral Processing Engineer is preferred.

  3. Experience working with Ni Laterites and Copper Sulfides types of ore.

  4. Extensive experience in the study of ore geology, technological characterization and geometallurgy.

  5. Knowledge of Mineral Processing unit operation (crushing, grinding, sizing, flotation, dewatering and tailings management).

  6. Expert knowledge of metallurgical testing (bench and miniplant scale).

  7. Knowledge of geoestatistics and applied data analysis. Advanced knowledge on IOGAS.

  8. Understanding of Mining engineering economics.

  9. Strong verbal and written communication skills.

  10. Operational experience in mining operation or infrastructure industries.

  11. Experience in delivering Project Studies (FEL Methodology is preferred).

  12. Unwavering commitment to safety.

  13. Good communication and organization skills.

3. Drilling Supervisor (TPBP)


  1. Provide planning, supervision of and support to the TPBP drilling operation during the planning & preparation phases including assisting the IDS contractor tender process, including technical evaluation of bidders, supervision of IDS contractor preparation, construction of well pads and access, drilling water supply. Assist with the drafting of the drilling program and risk mitigation activities. Provide any other support as directed by the TPBP management and GT drilling teams.

Persyaratan  :

  1. Education: Bachelor’s degree in geology, engineering, or any relevant field.

  2. Experience: Minimum 15 years’ experience in similar role in running drilling operations.

  3. Good knowledge of drilling process including well design criteria, drilling rig design and functionality, well integrity assurance, well control, well operations HSE.

  4. Competent in report drafting.

  5. Leadership skills in supervising operation.

4. Principal Government Relations Analyst


  1. Coordinate and monitor all Government & Institutional Relations activity across central government to remain abreast of status, actions needed and resolutions, and to identify areas where further corrective action / strategies are needed to continually improve and enhance processes.

  2. Track and monitor relevant expiry dates and ensure that all time-sensitive documents and licenses are renewed ahead of deadline to ensure full compliance and avoid fines.

  3. Maintain strong working relationships with Regulators, Authorities, Legislative, Academicians, professional association, relevant NGOs to ensure access to effective and prompt support and advice when needed. Ensure any interactions with government bodies are conducted in the best interests of the Company and always represent the business in a professional manner.

  4. Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the requirements of all relevant Government entities.

Persyaratan  :

  1. Education: Bachelor’s degree in relevant field.

  2. Experience: Minimum 10 years’ experience in similar role in managing / coordinating a Government Relations function in central governments & institutions.

  3. Proven experience managing Government Relations, Licensing and Compliance issues, especially in Mining & Energy sectors.

  4. In-depth knowledge Mining business Government regulations and requirements.

  5. Established and proven relationships at relevant Government entities.

  6. Strong written and spoken communication skills in English, Indonesia and local language

  7. Strong IT skills with ability to produce report and track and monitor information.

5. Sr. Project Financial Evaluation Analyst


  1. Ensure proper and sound financial and business evaluation of PT VEI greenfield and brownfield projects such as Hu’u and other projects in the APAC region to facilitate PT VEI study decision. The evaluation includes comprehensive identification and assessment of potential financial and tax risks, cost estimate of Capex and Opex, so that best decision can be made on the progression of studies in the portfolio.

  2. Responsible for ensuring capital cost and operating cost estimate are following the standard procedure and system for project planning and schedule, with proper WBS structure as stated in in SPE.

  3. Support Project Services to lead the coordination of preparation and submission of PT VEI study budgets.
    To be part of joint team in evaluating analysis required for Term Sheet negotiation with partners for Greenfield Project developments.

Persyaratan  :

  1. Gelar sarjana di bidang keuangan, akuntansi atau setara.

  2. 5 tahun atau pengalaman kerja di posisi yang sama.

  3. Kemampuan untuk belajar dengan cepat dan bekerja di bawah tekanan dalam lingkungan yang serba cepat

  4. Harus memiliki perhatian yang baik terhadap detail

  5. Etika kerja yang baik dan kemampuan untuk memperlakukan dokumen dengan kerahasiaan

  6. Kemampuan untuk bekerja secara efektif dalam pengaturan tim dan juga memberikan kepemimpinan ketika diperlukan untuk melakukannya.

  7. Keterampilan komunikasi yang kuat – tertulis dan lisan;

  8. Manajemen waktu yang sangat baik dan kemampuan untuk bekerja dengan tenggat waktu sangat penting.

  9. Kesadaran akan konsep manajemen risiko lebih disukai.

6. Procurement Analyst


  1. Pastikan evaluasi keuangan dan bisnis yang tepat dan sehat dari proyek greenfield dan brownfield perusahaan dan proyek lainnya di wilayah APAC untuk memfasilitasi keputusan studi perusahaan. Evaluasi tersebut mencakup identifikasi dan penilaian komprehensif atas potensi risiko keuangan dan pajak, perkiraan biaya Capex dan

  2. Opex, sehingga keputusan terbaik dapat diambil untuk kemajuan studi dalam portofolio.

  3. Bertanggung jawab untuk memastikan perkiraan biaya modal dan biaya operasi mengikuti prosedur dan sistem standar untuk perencanaan dan jadwal proyek, dengan struktur WBS yang tepat seperti yang tercantum dalam SPE.

  4. Mendukung Layanan Proyek untuk memimpin koordinasi penyusunan dan pengajuan anggaran studi perusahaan.

  5. Untuk menjadi bagian dari tim gabungan dalam mengevaluasi analisis yang diperlukan untuk negosiasi Term Sheet dengan mitra untuk pengembangan Proyek Greenfield.

Persyaratan  :

  1. Minimum gelar Sarjana Manajemen Rantai Pasokan/Administrasi Bisnis atau IPK min 3,00 jurusan terkait lainnya.

  2. Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun – lebih disukai dari proyek eksplorasi pertambangan atau industri minyak & gas.

  3. Pengetahuan & keterampilan yang kuat terkait dengan pengeboran dan EPCI.

  4. Harus memiliki perhatian yang baik terhadap detail.

  5. Terbiasa bekerja dengan aplikasi Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, Power Point dan sistem SAP.

  6. Keterampilan bahasa Inggris yang baik (lisan & tulisan) adalah suatu keharusan.

  7. Mampu mengatur waktu dan menangani banyak tugas.

  8. Mampu bekerja mandiri/kurang supervisi.

Penempatan: Jakarta

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