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Lowongan Kerja PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) Lokasi Kalimantan Timur

terletak di wilayah Sangatta, Kalimantan Timur,PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC ) beroperasi sebagai perusahaan pertambangan batubara sejak tahun 1992, dan merupakan salah satu perusahaan pertambangan open pit terbesar di dunia. 


 PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) merupakan salah satu tambang batubara ekspor terbesar di dunia.Untuk mempertahankan posisinya sebagai penghasil batu bara paling efisien di dunia,

di Sangatta Kalimantan Timur 


PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) berusaha konsisten Untuk mempertahankan posisinya sebagai penghasil batu bara paling efisien di dunia, KPC sedang melakukan peningkatan bisnis dan kinerja secara formal. 


PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) memiliki konsesi pertambangan dengan ukuran sekitar 90.938 hektar di Sangatta dan Bengalon di provinsi Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia. Pada 2012, total produksi batubara KPC di tambang Sangatta dan Bengalon mencapai 41,0 juta ton, naik dari 40,5 juta ton pada 2011.


Saat ini PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) kembali membuka lowongan kerja terbaru. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir bersama PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.

Diposting 23   februari 2023

Lowongan Kerja PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

Master Operator – Control Room

Grade: C

Division: CPHD – PGT Operation

Qualification :

  1. Minimum STM with minimum 8 years’ power station operational (D3 is preferable) Electrical or Mechanic with minimum 5 years’ power station operational experience.

  2. Experience in operating DCS MaxDNA and SCADA winCC for power plant.

  3. Possess a valid Vehicle Driving Kimpec: LV and Light truck.

  4. Possess a certificate on Operation of Steam Boller Class -1 (SIO Klas-1) from the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of indonesia.

  5. Possess a certificate of competency for operating power plant from ESDM.

  6. Possess isolation Authorization Kimper.

Key elements of the position include:

  1. Operate DCS MaxDNA & SCADA WincC for BFBC and Stocker boilers to ensure equipment operates appropriately so that the power plant is generated, transmitted & distributed within SOP to ensure they are performed in a safe and efficient manner.

  2. Inspect all equipment on the monitor in the control room to ensure that they are in good working condition.

  3. Roport any damage or process interruptions during working hours to Supervisor for further actions to overcome the problems.

  4. Communicate with the field operator to coordinate the power generation process in order to obtain that power generated, transmitted, & distributed in a safe and efficient manner.

  5. Assist Supervisor to manage operation activities & communication of maintenance activities in his respective area.

  6. Assist Supervisor in assigning dally equipment plans.

  7. Do inspection and commissioning on equipment after return-back from mintenance or contractor.

  8. In coordination with the isolation officer & permit holder to conduct isolation procedures leq. high and low voltago oloctricity. high temporature and highly pressurized steam, water, and air pipos., and chomicals, otcl to ensure a safe workplace for the repair,

  9. Compliance with HSE regulations, policies, rules, and systems, including Prima Nirbhaya and Sistem Manajemen Kaselamatan Pertambangan (SMKP).

  10. Issue access permit for Maintenance team within salety procedures.

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